The Mission of Books and Hoops


The mission of Books and Hoops is to make children lifelong readers. Books and Hoops will foster a reading life by raising interest in reading. Raising enthusiasm by connecting reading strategies is inevitable when partnered with basketball.

Books and Hoops was started by Chris Bruff, a former standout basketball player at Northwest Catholic High school in West Hartford, Connecticut and the University of Maine. He currently teaches and coaches in Lexington, Massachusetts.

Why is Books and Hoops Necessary?

Books and Hoops is targeting students in low and middle income communities. Many of these students can be over looked even though there are a plethora of reading programs. Students reluctantly pick up books when their teachers assign reading. Finally, students in middle and low-income communities have less access to books compared to students in high income communities.

Books, t-shirts and library bags.

Providing students with new reading strategies and a place to play basketball will grab every reluctant reader. We want  students to make connections when reading books and reading on the court. It is a lofty goal, but essential. Kids will find joy on and off the basketball court and leave with books.

If you want more information, looking to donate or volunteer, or you are interested in bringing this program to your community, please look at our website.



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