Library Scavenger Hunt

Ever wonder what your library has to offer? Want to get to know your library or librarian better? Join the Books and Hoops students in their Library Scavenger Hunt! Take part in the challenges by posting pictures on social media using the hashtags #LibScavHunt #BooksandHoops on Twitter and Instagram.


Library Scavenger Hunt Challenges

Challenge 1: Take a picture with 3 of the Top Ten Most Banned/Challenged books from 2000-2009.

Goal of this challenge it to get a feel for navigating the library. They may need to ask for help, so it will be great for every student to meet the friendly librarians. Also, who doesn’t want to live on the wild side by reading a book that was once banned or still challenged by educators? Just giving the students knowledge that books are up for debate will certainly pique reading interest.

Challenge 2: Show evidence and proof of having a library card.

Goal of this challenge is to give students the power of the library. Students need to know they may reserve books, check out books, and return books and the many other resources from the library. But first, they’ll need a library card.

Challenge 3: Selfie with a librarian.

Goal of this challenge is to cement the relationship with their librarian. For the past 2 days, students should have come into the library to ask questions and get more information. Now, it is time for some fun and relationship building. The days thinking the library is a place where dust has free range over the shelves and librarians are professional shushers is over!

Challenge 4: Caught in the act (reading in a cozy spot or looking for a book).

Goal of this challenge is to now put into practice all of the resources you’ve acquired over the first 3 days. Now that a student can find a book, check out a book and knows that librarians are cool resources to check in with, it is time to show how comfortable you are in the library.

Challenge 5: Show something you’ve checked out or pass you plan to use from the library.



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